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Josh Holland, PhD

Josh is approaching his third decade in summer camping. He directs Camp Cobbossee, and founded Waterfront Leadership School 10 years ago. Years as a collegiate athlete (rowing, swimming, rugby) and then a high school coach (soccer, swimming) inform his strong feelings about quality instruction. Years running municipal pools, camp waterfronts, and adventure programs do the same for his feelings about safety. When not at camp, Josh dodges traffic on his bike in Brooklyn.

Will Seelbach

From his Div. I swimming career at Purdue to his meticulous leadership of camp waterfronts, Will likes to get it right. Will boasts many years as a lifeguard, swim coach, waterfront director, and a decade in summer camps as well as 7 years as a WLS instructor and lifeguard instructor. Will holds a degree in organizational leadership from Purdue. When he's now helping new waterfront directors get their sea legs, Will lives in Bellingham, Washington and dominates fantasy football.

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